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Grossrieder Carmen President & Breed Warden MASCS Tel. 079 456 32 78
Jaquemet Manuela Chairperson MASCS Tel. 079 401 76 65
Rippin Eva Chair MASCS Tel. 076 389 44 16
Genetic testing of MDR1, CEA, prdcPRA, HSF4, DM, NCL, MH is mandatory.
DNA genetic tests are only recognized if they have been carried out by an accredited and/or certified laboratory in Germany or abroad. (e.g. Laboklin, Talia, Slovgen…)
Each dog must show their own genetic tests. Free through parents pP - per parentage (per inheritance) is not valid for breeding approval.
Carriers (+/-) may only be bred to free dogs (+/+).
Those affected (-/-) are excluded from breeding.
Eye certificate is only valid from a SAVO eye specialist and must not be older than 12 months at the time of breeding approval and must be free in all points.
X-ray examination: HD A and HD B, as well as ED 0 and ED1 are approved for breeding. The minimum age for the HD/ ED X-ray is 12 months and must have been evaluated by specialists (certified ECVDI).
He wishes
Dental status check by TA. If there are any abnormalities in the photos for breeding approval, MASCS may request confirmation from the veterinarian.
cardiac ultrasound
patella examination
OCD X-ray
Ls-ÃœGW, can be determined by HD/ ED X-ray (without further effort)
Merle factor by genetic test
ED 1 (mating only with ED 0)
missing teeth
NBT (Natural Bobtail) mating only with long rods
HD C, HD D, HD E • ED 2 and ED 3
Undershot & underbite more than 2mm
Dogs with more than 2 missing teeth
iris coloboma
Congenital deafness
A more than 50% unpigmented nose
Unpigmented or partially pigmented lid margins
White patches of fur
Cryptorchidism: unilateral or bilateral
prick ears
Before you get the breeding name certificate, a kennel inspection is carried out beforehand. After that, the breeding permits for the individual dogs can be applied for.
We are currently leaving the size of the Mini Australian/ American Shepherd open - however, every breeder should aim to breed according to the breed standard.
Breeding breaks of at least 12 months between mating or at least one heat interval must be observed with breeding bitches. Bitches are not allowed to have more than 5 litters in their breeding career.

Male dogs can be admitted to breeding at 15 months. Bitches may be mated for the first time at the age of 22 months and are eliminated from breeding when they are 8 years old.
An annual eye examination of breeding dogs is very desirable.
The parents have a pedigree (for breeding) from a recognized Mini Australian / American Shepherd, Standard Australian Shepherd Club (MASCE eV, FCI, MASCA, ASCA, EMASC, IMASC, AKC, ASDR...). When mated with a Standard Australian Shepherd, at least one parent must be registered as a Mini Australian/American Shepherd in order for the offspring to be recorded as Mini Australian/American Shepherd.
Matings between the individual clubs/associations are permitted and desirable (Genpol). The descendants get the pedigree from the SRZ.
Offspring from parent animals without breeding permission only receive a pedigree certificate from the SRZ if the breeding permission (for breeding) of the parent animals has been obtained.
It is contractually (purchase contract) and recorded on the pedigree whether the dog was released for breeding or not. Dogs that are not approved for breeding must not be bred from. If the puppies are bred, no MASCS/SRZ pedigrees will be issued for the puppies. (Further consequences are determined in the purchase contract of the respective breeder himself)
NOT FOR BREEDING can only be canceled by the breeder of the respective dog!
MASC/SRZ Treffen

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